Learn more about the plan and how it impacts you!
The Edge City 2.0 plan occured over the following four key project phases.
Research & Discovery: We first evaluated and studied Perimeter Center’s current land use, its past development patterns, transportation network, the surrounding cultural and natural resources, demographics, economics, past studies that will impact its future, and the needs/wishes of the community.
Vision: Based on the data gathered from City staff, public, research, and observations, we crafted planning principles to guide the decision-making and the rest of the project.
Framework: Once we analyzed the data collected in the Discovery phase, we developed scenarios for future development. Public input was critical at this phase to help determine which scenario best aligns with the community’s vision.
Invite Success: We synthesized public and stakeholder feedback to arrive at a preferred growth scenario. The Edge City 2.0 Plan provides the City of Dunwoody, Perimeter CID, and their partners with an implementable strategic roadmap for the next twenty years. It includes actions to advance the Preferred Development Scenario, including three catalytic projects and immediate “Quick Hit” initiatives.
Study Area

The boundaries of the study area are: Womack Road in the north, I-285 in the south, the City of Dunwoody municipal boundary to the west, and Tilly Mill Road and New Peachtree Road to the east.
Document Library
Public Engagement Summaries
Project Team
The planning process was a joint effort between the City of Dunwoody and the Perimeter Community Improvement District (PCID). It was carried out in close coordination with its consultant team, led by Pond and Company, MXD Development Strategists, and Blue Cypress Consulting. Funding for the study was provided by a grant from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) through the organization’s Livable Centers Initiative Program (LCI).

Michael Starling
City of Dunwoody Project Manager
Director of Economic Development

Amanda Hatton, AICP
Public Engagement Lead
Blue Cypress Consulting